41 jira search by tag
Finding tickets which I have been tagged in - Atlassian Community 1 answer. What do you mean with tagged? Being the assignee of the issue? Being mentioned in the issue? I meant being mentioned in the issue. If that sentence works, you may add the remaining conditions from a specific board's filter. Note that mentions use the username, and not the displayed full name. Advanced search reference - JQL fields | Jira Software Cloud ... The search is based on either the epic's name, issue key, or issue ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to an issue). To search for issues that belong to a particular epic in team-managed projects, use parent. Filter You can use a saved filter to narrow your search.
Filter, search, and customize the cards on your board | Jira Work ... You can search by keyword or issue key in the board view. Enter the keyword or issue key you want to search the issues for and all issues containing that keyword will be shown. Expand or coll...