44 prowl herbicide label
Prowl H2O | BASF Ag Products | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Pigweed Bluegrass, Annual Bittercress Morningglory Brome, Japanese Brome, Downy Canarygrass Shattercane Carpetweed Goosegrass Fiddleneck Cheat /Cheatgrass Chickweed, Common Crowfootgrass Henbit Filaree, Redstem Kochia Foxtail, Giant Foxtail, Green Goatgrass, Jointed Groundsel, Common Guineagrass Junglerice Knotweed, Prostrate Lambsquarters, Comm... Prowl H2O Herbicide - DoMyOwn.com The Prowl H2O Herbicide comes in a water-based formula, making it convenient to apply and safe to use on crops. It is long-lasting even with lower use rate than other pendimethalin. Controls unwanted weeds such as foxtail, barnyard grass, sandbur, wild oat, johnsongrass, henbit, amaranth, carpetweed, mustard, smartweed, Shepherdspurse, purslane, and signal grass.
Prowl® 3.3 EC herbicide | FBN Prostrate Knotweed Puncturevine Purslane Red Rice Red Sprangletop Shattercane Shepherdspurse Signalgrass Slimleaf Lambsquarters Small Bugloss Sprangletop Swollen Fingergrass Texas Panicum Velvetleaf Waterhemp Wild Oat Wild Proso Millet Witchgrass Woolly Cupgrass Yellow Foxtail

Prowl herbicide label
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | US EPA Mar 22, 2000 · U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | US EPA BASF | Product Profile - Prowl H2O Check the label rate of your glyphosate formulation to confirm. Mixing Instructions Fill the tank one-half to three-quarters full with clean water and agitate. Add tank-mix ingredients according to instructions listed below. After complete mixing, add PROWL H 2 O to the tank. U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PROWL 3.3 EC HERBICIDE,... Jan 2, 2008 · Prowl 3.3 EC controls most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds as they germinate. Refer to Prowl 3.3 EC main product label for complete Endangered Species To determine whether your county has an . endangered species, consult the website .
Prowl herbicide label. BASF | Product Profile - Prowl H2O Prowl H 2 O herbicide can be applied at the loop and 2 true leaf stage of crop development. Uniformly apply the recommended rate of Prowl H 2 O herbicide in 100 L/acre or more of water by ground equipment. Prowl H 2 O herbicide treatments will NOT control emerged weeds. Make sure to control existing weeds before applying Prowl H 2 O herbicide. U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, PROWL 3.3 EC HERBICIDE,... Jan 2, 2008 · Prowl 3.3 EC controls most annual grasses and certain broadleaf weeds as they germinate. Refer to Prowl 3.3 EC main product label for complete Endangered Species To determine whether your county has an . endangered species, consult the website . BASF | Product Profile - Prowl H2O Check the label rate of your glyphosate formulation to confirm. Mixing Instructions Fill the tank one-half to three-quarters full with clean water and agitate. Add tank-mix ingredients according to instructions listed below. After complete mixing, add PROWL H 2 O to the tank. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | US EPA Mar 22, 2000 · U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | US EPA
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