41 labmask stata
RE: st: Using one variable to label another - Stata The -labmask- program mentioned earlier has more checks. But don't cut and paste from here. Install -labutil- from SSC. *! NJC 1.0.0 20 August 2002 * values of -values-, or its value labels, to be labels of -varname- program def labmask, sortpreserve version 7 syntax varname(numeric) [if] [in], /* */ VALues(varname) [ LBLname(str) decode ] How do I assign the values of one variable as the value labels for ... In Stata, we can use the command called labmask to create value labels for the numeric variable based on the character variable. The command labmask is one of the commands in a suite called labutil written by Nicholas J. Cox.
How to define a label out of a string variable? (Stata) 1 Answer. Sorted by: 4. Perhaps using the encode command with your data will accomplish what you need. . list, clean strvar 1. yes 2. no 3. maybe 4. no 5. yes . encode strvar, generate (numvar) label (l_numvar) . label list l_numvar l_numvar: 1 maybe 2 no 3 yes . list, clean nolabel strvar numvar 1. yes 3 2. no 2 3. maybe 1 4. no 2 5. yes 3 ...
Labmask stata
Displaying the hazard ratio of different baseline characteristics by a ... The next step is to open the temporary file as a data set and compute the hazard ratio, the confidence interval and its p-value. The last step is to plot them in a compact fashion. The command labmask is part of the labutil ado written by Nicholas J. Cox and can be downloaded via -search labutil-. RE: st: How to rename value label names to match variable names? - Stata This is all spelled out in the help, which does have to be read first: Title labmask -- Assign values or value labels of one variable as value labels to another Syntax labmask varname [if] [in], values (valuesname) [lblname (lblname) decode] Description labmask assigns the values (or optionally the value labels) of one variable valuesname as ... Adjusting Y axis values bar graph - Stack Overflow With graph bar, graph hbar and graph dot the magnitude axis is always considered to be the y axis, regardless of whether it is vertical or horizontal. This is done so you can change the orientation between horizontal and vertical without being obliged to change all the y options and all the x options. Here is one way to do it using labmask from ...
Labmask stata. PDF Statistical software for data science | Stata Stata commands that display the value labels also show the associated numeric values. Prefixes are removed with the remove option. uselabel is a programmer's command that reads the value-label information from the currently loaded dataset or from an optionally specified filename. Stata graphs: Waterfall charts - Medium Stata graphs: Waterfall charts. In this guide, learn how to create… | by Asjad Naqvi | The Stata Guide | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Refresh the page, check... Convert weekly dates to monthly week data using Stata If you have some particular concept of a week, e.g. that it starts on Monday, then tell us what it is. Stata week 1 always starts on 1 January, 2 on 8 January, and so forth, and week 52 always has either 8 or 9 days. If your data match those definitions, fine. Otherwise you may need to do some reading to work out what matches your problem. Stata Journal | Article Table-like graphs can be interesting, useful, and even mildly innovative. This column outlines some Stata techniques for producing such graphs. graph dot is likely to be the most under-appreciated command among all existing commands. Using by () with various choices is a good way to mimic a categorical axis in many graph commands.
A002. Stata中字符型变量生成数值型变量 - 简书 Stata中字符型变量生成数值型变量 stata中在将纯字符型变量(如A,B,A1)生成新的数值型变量(只能生成,不能转换)时,有2种方式: 1、encode: encode 字符变量,gen(新的数值变量)这种方法在产生新的数值变量的同时,把原字符变量作为标签添加到新的数值变量上,如果在数据窗口查看数据是蓝色的。 st: RE: using another variable as a label - Stata written up -labmask-'s application to graphs in the Stata Journal. Regardless of whether you subscribe to the Journal you should install -labmask- together with -seqvar- from the Stata Journal site. The code is also in the SSC package -labutil-, but installing from the SJ site is better. Nick n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk Ashim Kapoor How to label dots (markers?) in a dot graph. : r/stata 1. random_stata_user • 1 yr. ago. blabel () will work here. If you're showing the dots and the values too, perhaps the dots are redundant. Here is an example you can run. The first graph is just one command, but the second graph shows you can get close using twoway instead. Stata graphs: Mosaic (Marimekko) plots | by Asjad Naqvi - Medium Stata graphs: Mosaic (Marimekko) plots | by Asjad Naqvi | The Stata Guide | Medium Sign up 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or...
[Stata] - String values on axis of graph - Talk Stats Forum The command you need is "labmask" (type "findit labmask" into Stata and it'll find it). The command assigns the string variable as the label for the numerical variable. For example, I had a list of towns ('town') as a string variable, and a corresponding rank ('rank') which is numeric. To assign the town names as values, so that say 1=London, I ... stata - tabstat: How to sort/order the output by a certain variable ... To do this you need to create a variable defining the order desired in advance of your tabstat call. To get it (value) labelled as you wish, use labmask ( search labmask then download from the Stata Journal location given). Here is some technique. sysuse auto, clear egen mean = mean (weight), by (rep78) egen count = count (weight), by (rep78 ... LABUTIL: Stata modules for managing value and variable labels These command-line tools may complement John Gleason's interactive labedit (STB-51). labvalclone clones a set of value labels under a new label name. labvalcombine combines two or more sets of value labels. It requires Stata 8. Language: Stata Requires: Stata version 7.0 (version 8 for labvalcombine). Labmask command with parallel trends - Statalist Labmask command with parallel trends - Statalist You are not logged in. You can browse but not post. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. Posts Page of 1 Filter Anoush Khachatryan Join Date: Sep 2021 Posts: 48 #1 Labmask command with parallel trends
Stata | Installing programs from SSC Installing programs from SSC. The contributed commands from the Boston College Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive, often called the Boston College Archive, are provided by RePEc . The commands available are implemented as one or more ado-files, and together with their corresponding help files and any other associated files, they form ...
statistics - Stata tabstat change order/sort? - Stack Overflow labmask (to be installed from the Stata Journal website after search labmask) is a helper here. We use the values of the original string variable as the value labels of the new variable. (The idea is that the value labels become the "mask" that the integer variable wears.)
Boston College labmask assigns the values (or optionally the value labels) of one variable values as the value labels of another variable varname. Any existing value labels will be overwritten. The idea behind the program name is that henceforth the face that varname presents will not be its own, but a mask borrowed from values.
Top 25 Stata Visualization by Fahad Mirza | The Stata Gallery Stata allows for drawing multiple plots as layers on top of each other (Think of this as a visualization cake). Here we have a Scatterplot that is superimposed with a Lowess plot. [Back to Top]...
LABUTIL: Stata modules for managing value and variable labels " LABUTIL: Stata modules for managing value and variable labels ," Statistical Software Components S402501, Boston College Department of Economics, revised 23 Nov 2013. Handle: RePEc:boc:bocode:s402501 Note: This module may be installed from within Stata by typing "ssc install labutil".
COVID-19 visualizations with Stata Part 6: Animations - Medium 6 ChatGPT mind-blowing extensions to use it anywhere. Zach Quinn. in. Pipeline: A Data Engineering Resource.
Bar graph over dates, format of dates - Statalist The better source for labmask is, as indicated in #3, the Stata Journal, not least because the paper . search labmask, sj Search of official help files, FAQs, Examples, SJs, and STBs SJ-8-2 gr0034 . . . . . . . . . . Speaking Stata: Between tables and graphs (help labmask, seqvar if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
COVID-19 visualizations with Stata Part 3: Heatplots - Medium Here we learn how to make a custom heat plot in Stata using the Oxford COVID-19 Policy Tracker. A heat plot is a 3-dimensional figure where the 3rd dimension is shown by color intensity.
Speaking Stata: Between tables and graphs The Stata Journal (2008) 8, Number 2, pp. 269-289 Speaking Stata: Between tables and graphs Nicholas J. Cox Department of Geography Durham University Durham City, UK n.j.cox@durham.ac.uk ... labmask has been invented for this purpose and is published formally with this column. It is more general than the previous problem outline implies, as ...
使用外挂指令labmask,解决xtline排序老大难问题 - Stata专版 - 经管之家(原人大经济论坛) 使用外挂指令labmask,解决xtline排序老大难问题,很多人在问xtline画图时,究竟如何调整各个子图的位置,以达到自己预期的排序。下面举例说明,例子中我们希望最终图形排序是南京、北京、天津、上海。案例数据:第一种方案:效果如下:我们发现虽然图形顺序达到了我们的要求,但各子图标题为 ...
Adjusting Y axis values bar graph - Stack Overflow With graph bar, graph hbar and graph dot the magnitude axis is always considered to be the y axis, regardless of whether it is vertical or horizontal. This is done so you can change the orientation between horizontal and vertical without being obliged to change all the y options and all the x options. Here is one way to do it using labmask from ...
RE: st: How to rename value label names to match variable names? - Stata This is all spelled out in the help, which does have to be read first: Title labmask -- Assign values or value labels of one variable as value labels to another Syntax labmask varname [if] [in], values (valuesname) [lblname (lblname) decode] Description labmask assigns the values (or optionally the value labels) of one variable valuesname as ...
Displaying the hazard ratio of different baseline characteristics by a ... The next step is to open the temporary file as a data set and compute the hazard ratio, the confidence interval and its p-value. The last step is to plot them in a compact fashion. The command labmask is part of the labutil ado written by Nicholas J. Cox and can be downloaded via -search labutil-.
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